Fall Designs
Fresh for Fall
For fall, I love utilizing shrubs or evergreens as a focal point or base. You can achieve size, texture, and colors that can be hard to achieve with annuals alone. Shrubs can provide a backdrop for smaller, fine-textured plants, which also can help balance the visual weight of a container. With perennials you can also add an unexpected “wow” factor with pops of color and depth. There is a variety of options in frost-tolerant annuals to combine for interesting colors and textures.
Some favorite Autumn materials
Brassica oleracea (or ornamental kale)
Bracteantha bracteata (or Strawflower)
Celosia argentea (or Plumed Cockscomb)
Heuchera species (or Coralbells)
Hydrangea macrophylla
Petunia cultivars
Echinacea cultivars (or Coneflowers)
Eucalyptus gunnii (or Cider Gum)
Beta vulgaris varieties (or ornamental beetroot)
Capsicum annuum varieties (or ornamental peppers)
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